The Lifescript Podcast (#8)

Pelvic Pain & Women's Health: Back to basics with Marina Melnikioff

In this episode of The Lifescript Podcast Doctor Sonu invites Marina Melinkoff, a Musculoskeletal & Women’s Health Physiotherapist to discuss pelvic pain and women’s health.

Marina has completed a Bachelor of Physiotherapy and Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science with first-class honours. Marina has also pursued post-graduate courses in Women’s and pelvic health. She treats a range of conditions including bladder and bowel dysfunctions, pelvic organ prolapse, pre and post-natal treatment, pessary fitting, pelvic pain syndromes, and pelvic girdle pain. In this episode

Dr Sonu and Marina discuss:

– What help is available to women who suffer from pelvic pain.
– The importance of a multidisciplinary approach when treating women’s pelvic pain.
– How regulating the nervous system can have a huge impact on pelvic pain outcomes.
– There is hope for all women no matter how long they have experienced pain.
– Marina explains her ground up approach to treating pelvic pain.
– Marina explains the complexity and individuality of each pelvic pain case and how barriers need to be identified for successful treatment.
– The various ways we can improve the quality of our sleep and why this is so important in pelvic pain management.
– The importance of antenatal education and care.
– The importance of rest and recovery for postpartum women.
– Holistic strategies for period pain

You can learn more about Marina and her work by visiting the links below:

Bookings with Marina
Marinas Instagram

**Please be aware that this podcast is not intended to diagnose, treat or provide individualised medical advice for any health conditions.**

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***Please be aware that this podcast is not intended to diagnose, treat or provide individualised medical advice for any health conditions. The information provided is for general information purposes only.***

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